Friday Morning FYI – 1/27/2017

Welcome to your Friday Morning FYI (oh we’re gonna start being late on this again, huh? edition) – my chance to share observations/wisdom/rants in short, easily consumed form.

Writers love to talk about rejection. That’s because we all experience it at one level or another (or all of them), so it’s nice to know you’re not the only one hitting bumps in the road. Bumps stink, but the fun thing about them is every now and then you hit one that’s kind of fun. I had one of those this week, when I received a query rejection that was complimentary and referred me to a half dozen agents who might be interested in my book. Some might see that as just another rejection, but I thought it was great, understanding most agents don’t have the time or energy to do that. Let’s make that this week’s FYI:

Ever drive over a bump just a little too fast? It doesn’t wreck your car, and gives you that little tickle in your tummy that makes you smile. You might not have even seen the bump until you were a few feet from it, so you get that heart-popping adrenaline boost, too. After the initial surprise of it, how do you react? Do you laugh it off or do you curse whoever put that bump there? Do you let the event roll off your shoulders or do you swear to never drive down that street again? Whichever you choose, understand that bumps don’t stop you, only you can do that.


Thanks for reading,


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